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Japan Department of State Background

U.S. Department of State Background Note Japan Index: Geography People Government and Political Conditions Economy Foreign Relations U.S.-Japan Relations GEOGRAPHYJapan, a country of islands,…

Mongolia Department of State Background

U.S. Department of State Background Note Mongolia Index: People History Government and Political Conditions Economy Foreign Relations U.S.-Mongolian Relations PEOPLELife in sparsely populated…


(Encyclopedia) CE5 MalaysiaMalaysiaməlāˈzhə [key], independent federation (2015 est. pop. 30,723,000), 128,430 sq mi (332,633 sq km), Southeast Asia. The official capital and by far the largest…

Jouhaux, Léon

(Encyclopedia) Jouhaux, LéonJouhaux, LéonlāôNˈ zh&oomacr;-ōˈ [key], 1879–1954, French Socialist labor leader. He headed the Confédération Générale du Travail from 1909 to 1947, when he resigned…

Beernaert, Auguste

(Encyclopedia) Beernaert, AugusteBeernaert, Augusteōgüstˈ bârnärtˈ, bârˈnärt [key], 1829–1912, Belgian statesman. A member of the liberal wing of the Catholic party, he served in several cabinets and…


(Encyclopedia) NipponNipponnĭpˈŏn, nĭpŏnˈ [key], name for Japan, derived from Dai Nippon, meaning Great Japan. The expression comes from the Chinese ideograph for the place where the sun comes from,…


(Encyclopedia) Kara-KulKara-Kulkäˌrə-k&oomacr;l [key], mountain lake, c.140 sq mi (360 sq km), Gorno-Badakhshan, E Tajikistan, in the Pamir, near the Chinese border. It is c.12,840 ft (3,900 m)…


(Encyclopedia) ManchuManchumănˈch&oomacr; [key], people who lived in Manchuria for many centuries and who ruled China from 1644 until 1912. These people, related to the Tungus, were descended…

Lao She

(Encyclopedia) Lao SheLao Shelou shŭ [key], pseud. of Shu She-yüShu She-yüsh&oomacr; shŭ-yü [key] or Shu Ch'ing-ch'un,Shu Ch'ing-ch'un,chĭng-ch&oobreve;n [key], 1899–1966, Chinese writer. He…

Lu Xun

(Encyclopedia) Lu Xun or Lu HsünLu Hsünboth: l&oomacr;ˈshünˈ [key], 1881–1936, Chinese writer, pen name of Chou Shu-jen. In 1902, he traveled to Japan on a government scholarship, eventually…