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Displaying 251 - 260

Brewer's: Kepler's Laws

(Johann Kepler, 1571-1630): (1) That the planets describe ellipses, and that the centre of the sun is in one of the foci. (2) That every planet so moves that the line drawn from it to the…

Brewer's: Escutcheon of Pretence

(An). That of a wife, either heiress or coheiress, placed in the centre of her husband's shield. Source: Dictionary of Phrase and Fable, E. Cobham Brewer, 1894EsingæEscurial A B C D…

Brewer's: Hanoverian Shield

This escutcheon used to be added to the arms of England; it was placed in the centre of the shield to show that the House of Hanover came to the crown by election, and not by conquest.…

Brewer's: Theodorick

One of the heroes of the Nibelung, a legend of the Sagas. This king of the Goths was also selected as the centre of a set of champions by the German minnesängers (minstrels), but he is…

Modern Pentathlon

First Olympic Appearance: 1912 (men); 2000 (women) by Mike Morrison and Mark Zurlo Did You Know? American George Patton (yes, that George Patton) was a strong challenger for the modern…

Charles Pinckney: A Steady and Open Republican

A Steady and Open RepublicanCharles PinckneyMonday, May 5, 1788Mrs. Timothy The enclosed,[23] copied from a paper sent me by a friend, seems so peculiarly adapted to our present situation,…

Walt Whitman: With Antecedents

With AntecedentsPart 1With antecedents, With my fathers and mothers and the accumulations of past ages, With all which, had it not been, I would not now be here, as I am, With Egypt, India,…

Walt Whitman: A Boston Ballad [1854]

A Boston Ballad [1854]To get betimes in Boston town I rose this morning early, Here's a good place at the corner, I must stand and see the show.Clear the way there Jonathan! Way for the…

2018 Winter Olympics: Bobsleigh

Offspring of the toboggan Source: AP Photo/Kerstin JoenssonRelated Links 2018 Winter Olympics Memorable Olympic Moments Birth of the Modern Olympics Encyclopedia: Ancient…