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Brewer's: Cottonopolis

Manchester, the great centre of cotton manufactures. “His friends thought he would have preferred the busy life of Cottonopolis to the out-of-way county of Cornwall.” —Newspaper paragraph…

Brewer's: Cuirass

Sir Arthur's cuirass was “carved of one emerald, centred in a sun of silver rays, that lightened as he breathed.” (Tennyson: Elaine.) Source: Dictionary of Phrase and Fable, E. Cobham…

Brewer's: Naseby

(Northamptonshire) is the Saxon nafela (the navel). It is so called because it was considered the navel or centre of England. Similarly, Delphi was called the “navel of the earth,” and in…

Brewer's: Pillar to Post

Running from pillar to post—from one thing to another without any definite purpose. This is an allusion to the manege. The pillar is the centre of the riding ground, and the posts are the…

Brewer's: Pythagorean System

Pythagoras taught that the sun is a movable sphere in the centre of the universe, and that all the planets revolve round it. This is substantially the same as the Copernican and Newtonian…

Brewer's: Treasury of Sciences

Bokhara (Asia), the centre of learning. It has 103 colleges, with 10,000 students, besides a host of schools and 360 mosques. Source: Dictionary of Phrase and Fable, E. Cobham Brewer,…

Brewer's: Theodorick

One of the heroes of the Nibelung, a legend of the Sagas. This king of the Goths was also selected as the centre of a set of champions by the German minnesängers (minstrels), but he is…

Brewer's: Escutcheon of Pretence

(An). That of a wife, either heiress or coheiress, placed in the centre of her husband's shield. Source: Dictionary of Phrase and Fable, E. Cobham Brewer, 1894EsingæEscurial A B C D…

Brewer's: Geneva Doctrines

Calvinism. Calvin, in 1541, was invited to take up his residence in Geneva as the public teacher of theology. From this period Geneva was for many years the centre of education for the…

Brewer's: Meru

A fabulous mountain in the centre of the world, 80,000 leagues high, the abode of Vishnu, and a perfect paradise. It may be termed the Indian Olympos. Source: Dictionary of Phrase and…