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Christina Rossetti: Memory

MemoryII nursed it in my bosom while it lived, I hid it in my heart when it was dead; In joy I sat alone, even so I grieved Alone and nothing said.I shut the door to face the naked…


First Olympic Appearance: 1904 (platform), 1908 (springboard) by John Gettings and Mark Zurlo Did You Know? Divers hit the water at speeds of up to 34 mph (55 kph). Related Links…

Synchronized Swimming

First Olympic Appearance: 1984 by John Gettings and Mark Zurlo Did You Know? There are stereo speakers in the walls of the pool where the synchronized swimming event will be held so the…

Ralph Waldo Emerson: Webster

Webster1831Let Webster's lofty face Ever on thousands shine, A beacon set that Freedom's race Might gather omens from that radiant sign.From the Phi Beta Kappa Poem1834Ill fits the abstemious…

Frederick Moore VINSON, Congress, KY (1890-1953)

VINSON Frederick Moore , a Representative from Kentucky; born in Louisa, Lawrence County, Ky., January 22, 1890; attended the public schools; graduated from the law department of Centre College,…

Mundaka-Upanishad: Second Mundaka, Second Khanda

Second Khanda 1. Manifest, near, moving in the cave (of the heart) is the great Being. In it everything is centred which ye know as moving, breathing, and blinking, as being and not-being, as…


First Olympic Appearance: 1896 (men); 1912 (women) by John Gettings and Mark Zurlo Did You Know? The water temperature in the pool is kept between 77-81 degrees Fahrenheit for the…