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Brewer's: Nine Spheres

(The). Milton, in his Arcades, speaks of the “celestial syrens' harmony that sit upon the nine enfolded spheres.” The nine spheres are those of the Moon, of Mercury, of Venus, of the Sun,…

Brewer's: Ptolemaic System

The system of Claudius Ptolemæus, a celebrated astronomer of Palusium, in Egypt, of the eleventh century. He taught that the earth is fixed in the centre of the universe, and the heavens…

Brewer's: Tre, Pol, Pen

By their Tre, their Pol, and Pen, Ye shall know the Cornish men.' The extreme east of Cornwall is noted for Tre, the extreme west for Pol, the centre for Pen. On December 19th, 1891, the…

Brewer's: Swedenborgians

called by themselves “the New Jerusalem Church” (Rev. xxi. 2). Believers in the doctrines taught by Emanuel Swedenborg (1688-1772). Their views of salvation, inspiration of Scripture, and…

Brewer's: Shan Van Voght

This excellent song (composed 1798) may be called the Irish Marscillaise. The title of it is a corruption of An t-sean bean bochd (the poor old woman—i.e. Ireland). (Holliday-Spurlïng:…

Brewer's: Gall of Bitterness

(The). The bitterest grief; extreme affliction. The ancients taught that grief and joy were subject to the gall, affection to the heart, knowledge to the kidneys, anger to the bile (one of…

Brewer's: Orange Lodges

or Clubs are referred to in Hibernia Cariosa, published in 1769. Thirty years later the Orangemen were a very powerful society, having a “grand lodge” extending over the entire province of…

Brewer's: Pagan

properly means “belonging to a village” (Latin, pagus). The Christian Church fixed itself first in cities, the centres of intelligence. Long after it had been established in towns,…

Brewer's: Marriage Plates

Sacred plates with a circular well in the centre to hold sweetmeats. They were painted for bridal festivities by Maestro Georgio, Orazio Fontane, and other artists of Urbino and Gubbio,…

Brewer's: Lombard Street to a China Orange

Long odds. Lombard Street, London, is the centre of great banking and mercantile transactions. To stake the Bank of England against a common orange is to stake what is of untold value…