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Brewer's: Popinjay

A butterfly man, a fop; so called from the popinjay or figure of a bird shot at for practice. The jay was decked with parti-coloured feathers so as to resemble a parrot, and, being…

101 Most Influential People Who Never Lived

Some fictional characters have had more impact on the world than real people. Allan Lazar, Dan Karlan, and Jeremy Salter set about ranking the “characters of myth, legends, television, and movies […

William Shakespeare: Henry V, Act IV, Scene VII

Scene VIIAnother part of the fieldEnter Fluellen and GowerFluellenKill the poys and the luggage! 'tis expressly against the law of arms: 'tis as arrant a piece of knavery, mark you now, as…


Waiting“My wife, I have bad news for thee,” said Professor Bhaer, coming in one day early in January.“Please tell it at once. I can't bear to wait, Fritz,” cried Mrs Jo, dropping her work and…

Pirate History

Thousands of years of ambushes, raids, hijackings, and more by Mark Hughes Related Links 2008 Piracy Prone Areas and Warnings Timeline: Pirates Famous Real…

World War II Movies, Part 3

From "Schindler's List" to the summer blockbuster "Pearl Harbor" by Beth Rowen   Related Links Memorial Day Pearl Harbor Remembered Source: Internet Movie…

Amy Lowell: St. Helena, May, 1821

St. Helena, May, 1821Tap! Tap! Tap! Through the white tropic night. Tap! Tap! Beat the hammers, Unwearied, indefatigable. They are hanging dull black cloth about the dead. Lustreless black…

Brewer's: Ill Omens

averted. Leotychides II., of Sparta, was told by his augurs that his projected expedition would fail, because a viper had got entangled in the handle of the city key. “Not so,” he replied…