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Displaying 421 - 430

Chauncey Judd: Wooster's Barn

Tobiah and Rachel Seizure of Henry Wooster Wooster's Barn When the morning of Thursday dawned, the storm showed no signs of abatement. The wind blew as only March winds can blow,…

Novel Experiences among the Indians

Chapter 3 Chapter 5 Novel Experiences among the Indians About this time (the nineteenth and twentieth of August), the explorers lost by death the only member of their party who…

Chauncey Judd: Rescue and Flight

Negro Patriotism Capture Rescue and Flight The robbers, who had been waiting for Henry in Wooster's barn, became impatient at his failure to give the signal which had been agreed upon…

Acts: 21

Acts Chapter 21 1 And it came to pass, that after we were gotten from them, and had launched, we came with a straight course unto Coos, and the day following unto Rhodes, and from…

Two Gentlemen of Verona

Two Gentlemen of Verona There lived in the city of Verona two young gentlemen, whose names were Valentine and Proteus, between whom a firm and uninterrupted friendship had long subsisted.…

comic strip

(Encyclopedia) comic strip, combination of cartoon with a story line, laid out in a series of pictorial panels across a page and concerning a continuous character or set of characters, whose thoughts…