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Summer Blockbusters 2011

Get ready for the onslaught of summer movies with this guide. Look for the box of popcorn icon next to movies that are kid friendly. By Jennie Wood Related Links Fandango Official…

Brewer's: Hackum

(Captain). A thick-headed bully of Alsatia, impudent but cowardly. He was once a sergeant in Flanders, but ran from his colours, and took refuge in Alsatia, where he was dubbed captain. (…

Brewer's: Leaves without Figs

Show of promise without fulfilment. Words without deeds. Keeping the promise to the ear and breaking it to the sense. Of course, the allusion is to the barren figtree referred to in Luke…

Brewer's: Leda and the Swan

This has been a favourite subject with artists. In the Orléans gallery is the chef-d'-oeuvre of Paul Veronese. Correggio and Michael Angelo have both left paintings of the same subject.…

Brewer's: Great Bullet-head

George Cadoudal, leader of the Chouans, born at Brech, in Morbihan. (1769-1804.) Source: Dictionary of Phrase and Fable, E. Cobham Brewer, 1894Great CaptainGreat A B C D E F G H I…

Brewer's: Captious

Fallacious, deceitful; now it means ill-tempered, carping. (Latin, captiosus.) I know I love in vain, strive against hope; Yet in this captious and intenible sieve I still pour in the…

Brewer's: Copper Nose

Oliver Cromwell; also called “Ruby Nose,” “Nosey,” and “Nose Almighty,” no doubt from some scorbutic tendency which showed itself in a big red nose. Source: Dictionary of Phrase and…

Brewer's: Anne's Fan

(Queen). Your thumb to your nose and your fingers spread. Source: Dictionary of Phrase and Fable, E. Cobham Brewer, 1894Anne's Great CaptainAnne A B C D E F G H I J K L M N…

Brewer's: Lismahago

(Captain), in Smollett's Humphry Clinker. Very conceited, fond of disputation, jealous of honour, and brim-full of national pride. This poor but proud Scotch officer marries Miss Tabitha…

Peter Pan: "Hook or Me this Time"

The Pirate Ship The Return Home "Hook or Me this Time" Odd things happen to all of us on our way through life without our noticing for a time that they have happened. Thus, to take…