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1 Maccabees: 5

1 Maccabees Chapter 5 1 Now when the nations round about heard that the altar was built and the sanctuary renewed as before, it displeased them very much. 2 Wherefore they…

Brewer's: Ipso Facto

Irrespective of all external considerations of right or wrong; absolutely; by the very deed itself. It sometimes means the act itself carries the consequences (as excommunication without…

Brewer's: Janissaries

or Janizaries, a celebrated militia of the Ottoman Empire, raised by Orchan in 1326, and called the Yengi-tscheri (new corps). It was blessed by Hadji Bektash, a saint, who cut off a…

Brewer's: Capricorn

Called by Thomson, in his Winter, “the centaur archer.” Anciently, the winter solstice occurred on the entry of the sun into Capricorn; but the stars, having advanced a whole sign to the…

Brewer's: Challenging a Jury

This may be to object to all the jurors from some informality in the way they have been “arrayed” or empanelled, or to one or more of the jurors, from some real or supposed…

Brewer's: Copper

(A). A policeman. Said to be so called from the copper badge which Fernando Wood, of New York, appointed them to wear; but more likely a variant of “cop” (q.v.). “There were cries of `…

Brewer's: Bobadil

A military braggart of the first water. Captain Bobadil is a character in Ben Jonson's comedy of Every Man in his Humour. This name was probably suggested by Bobadilla, first governor of…

Brewer's: Annie Laurie

was eldest of the three daughters of Sir Robert Laurie of Maxwellton, born December 16, 1682. William Douglas, of Fingland (Kirkcudbright), wrote the popular song, but Annie married, in…

Brewer's: Cuttle

Captain Cuttle. An eccentric, kind-hearted sailor, simple as a child, credulous of every tale, and generous as the sun. He is immortalised by the motto selected by Notes and Queries, “When…