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Collins, Patricia Hill

(Encyclopedia) Collins, Patricia Hill, 1948–, American sociologist and social theorist, b. Philadelphia, Ph.D. Brandeis University, 1984. A noted…

free will

(Encyclopedia) free will, in philosophy, the doctrine that an individual, regardless of forces external to him, can and does choose at least some of his actions. The existence of free will is…

administrative law

(Encyclopedia) administrative law, law governing the powers and processes of administrative agencies. The term is sometimes used also of law (i.e., rules, regulations) developed by agencies in the…

binary star

(Encyclopedia) CE5 A. Eclipsing binary: Primary component passing behind secondary (dimmer) component B. Light curve for eclipsing binary binary star or binary system, pair of stars that are held…

Impartial Examiner V

Impartial Examiner V18 June 1788by When a change, so momentous in it's nature, as that of new modelling a plan of government, becomes the object of any people's meditation, every citizen,…

Letter of Jeremiah: 6

Letter of Jeremiah Chapter 6 1 A copy of an epistle, which Jeremy sent unto them which were to be led captives into Babylon by the king of the Babylonians, to certify them, as it…

formula, in chemistry

(Encyclopedia) formula, in chemistry, an expression showing the chemical composition of a compound. Formulas of compounds are used in writing the equations (see chemical equations) that represent…