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Displaying 281 - 290

George Sterling: Spring in Carmel

Spring in CarmelGeorge SterlingO'er Carmel fields in the springtime the sea-gulls follow the plow. White, white wings on the blue above! White were your brow and breast, O Love! But I…


A whole number that can be divided cleanly into another whole number is called a factor of that number. Example: Factors of 10 10 can be evenly divided by 1, as 10 ÷ 1 = 10 10 can be…

Which of These Are Real Derby Horse Names?

The Kentucky Derby is quite popular for many reasons, but the horses' names are one of the most prominent points. Each name must be approved by the Jockey Club before it can be in use. They can be 18…

Chauncey Judd: Capture

Rescue and Flight Retribution Capture The pursuers were baffled, but not discouraged. From their knowledge of localities upon the Island, they did not doubt that, if immediately…

Federal Farmer XII

Federal Farmer XII12 January 1788by See also Federalist No. 61Dear sir,On carefully examining the parts of the proposed system, respecting the elections of senators, and especially of the…

Introduction to the Second Volume

Introduction to the Second Volume THIS second volume completes the translation of the principal Upanishads to which Sankara appeals in his great commentary on the Vedânta-Sûtras[109],…

Oliver Ellsworth: Landholder XII

Landholder XIIOliver EllsworthMonday, March 17, 1788To the Rhode Island Friends of Paper Money, Tender Acts and Anti-Federalism. The singular system of policy adopted by your state, no…