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Displaying 261 - 270

Brewer's: Silk Purse

You cannot make a silk purse of a sow's car. “You cannot make a horn of a pig's tail.” A sow's ear may somewhat resemble a purse, and a curled pig's tail may somewhat resemble a twisted…

Lincoln's Gettysburg Address

The most recognizable speech in American history The Battle of Gettysburg, one of the most noted battles of the Civil War, was fought on July 1–3, 1863. On Nov. 19, 1863, the field was dedicated as…

Brutus I

Brutus IFederalist Power Will Ultimately Subvert State Authority18 October 1787AbstractThe "necessary and proper" clause has, from the beginning, been a thorn in the side of those seeking to…

Christina Rossetti: A Peal of Bells

A Peal of BellsStrike the bells wantonly, Tinkle tinkle well; Bring me wine, bring me flowers, Ring the silver bell. All my lamps burn scented oil, Hung on laden orange-trees, Whose…

Berkman & Goldman: Epigraph and Foreword

A TributeImpressions of the TrialEpigraph and Foreword Tell all friends that we will not waver, that we will not compromise, and that if the worst comes, we shall go to prison in the…

The Rules Governing Roman Numerals

The Question: In a recent academic competition, the students raised a question about Roman numerals. I immediately referred to the 1998 Information Please Almanac, and then to…