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noise pollution

(Encyclopedia) noise pollution, human-created noise harmful to health or welfare. Transportation vehicles are the worst offenders, with aircraft, railroad stock, trucks, buses, automobiles, and…

lymphatic system

(Encyclopedia) CE5 Lymphatic system lymphatic systemlymphatic systemlĭmfătˈĭk [key], network of vessels carrying lymph, or tissue-cleansing fluid, from the tissues into the veins of the…

computer virus

(Encyclopedia) computer virus, rogue computer program, typically a short program designed to disperse copies of itself to other computers and disrupt those computers' normal operations. A computer…

Hawking, Stephen William

(Encyclopedia) Hawking, Stephen William, 1942–2018, British theoretical physicist, b. Oxford, England, grad. University College, Oxford, 1962, Ph.D. Trinity Hall, Cambridge, 1966. In 1962 Hawking was…


(Encyclopedia) titaniumtitaniumtītāˈnēəm, tĭ– [key] [from Titan], metallic chemical element; symbol Ti; at. no. 22; at. wt. 47.867; m.p. 1,675℃; b.p. 3,260℃; sp. gr. 4.54 at 20℃; valence +2, +3, or +…


(Encyclopedia) relativity, physical theory, introduced by Albert Einstein, that discards the concept of absolute motion and instead treats only relative motion between two systems or frames of…

Elementary Particles (table)

(Encyclopedia) Elementary Particles Leptons Particle Symbol Mass (MeV/c2) Electric Charge electron e− 0.511 −1 muon μ- 105.7 −1 tau τ 1784.1 −1 electron neutrino νe <7.3×10−6 0 muon…


(Encyclopedia) elephant, largest living land mammal, found in tropical regions of Africa and Asia. Elephants have massive bodies and heads, thick, pillarlike legs, and broad, short padded feet, with…

statistical mechanics

(Encyclopedia) statistical mechanics, quantitative study of systems consisting of a large number of interacting elements, such as the atoms or molecules of a solid, liquid, or gas, or the individual…


(Encyclopedia) metabolite, organic compound that is a starting material in, an intermediate in, or an end product of metabolism. Starting materials are substances, usually small and of simple…