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Terms To Know

Front-end Load: A front-end load is a sales charge you pay when you buy shares. This type of load, which by law cannot be higher than 8.5% of your investment, reduces the amount of your…

Economic Outlook Through 2014

Source: Bureau of Labor Statistics, Monthly Labor Review, Nov. 2005, Every two years the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) publishes its latest projections on the…

United States' Largest Banks 2012

The following list shows the largest banks in the U.S., as of Dec. 31, 2012. The assets are listed in thousands of dollars. /**/ Rank Institution Name Location Total Assets 1…

The Federal Budget, 2004–2010

See breakdowns of budgets for 2004 through 2009. Data is in billions of dollars. /**/ DescriptionActual2004Actual2005Estimates20062007200820092010Receipts by source Individual…

Union Membership, by States

Source: Monthly Labor Review Online, Bureau of Labor Statistics. Web: . In 2005, 12.5% of wage and salary workers were union members, unchanged from 2004. The…

What Is Not Protected

Several categories of material are generally not eligible for federal copyright protection. These include, among others:works that have not been fixed in a tangible form of expression—for…

How to Forge A Solid Employee Culture

Top of Page Source: PexelsIt’s crucial to have a robust understanding of employee culture. It provides your organization with a definitive, competitive advantage. An advantage that is always…

New $20 Bill

The U.S. Treasury adopted a new design for the $20 dollar bill in fall 2003. The new bill incorporates security features introduced in the 1990s, including a watermark and a security thread—…

Facelift for the $50

In April 2004, the U.S. Treasury unveiled its latest redesigned bill: the $50. The new bill features splashes of red and blue, in addition to the black and green ink found on other bills.…

Two New Nickels

Two new nickels were released in 2004, the first new designs for the coin since 1938. Both commemorated the 200th anniversary of the Louisiana Purchase. The head side of the new nickels…