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The Presidential $1 Coin Act

The Presidential $1 Coin Act of 2005 calls for the minting of several new coins. Starting in 2007, four dollar coins will be issued per year, each bearing the image of a different president, in the…

Susan B. Anthony Dollar

Library of Congress Susan B. Anthony (1820-1906) is the first woman to appear on U.S. coinage. Anthony worked for nearly 70 years to bring suffrage (the right to vote) to women in the…

Definitions of Gold Terminology

The term “fineness” defines a gold content in parts per thousand. For example, a gold nugget containing 885 parts of pure gold, 100 parts of silver, and 15 parts of copper would be…

Women in the Workforce

Why women are withdrawing from the workforce by Liz Olson   Related Links The Wage Gap 20 Leading Occupations of Employed Women The Best and Worst State Economies for Women…

Bit Confused?

Just what is Bitcoin and why is it getting so much attention?   Related Links Economy 101 Business Basics Quiz Personal Finance Nobel Prize for Economics   Bitcoin has become a hot, controversial…

The History of Black Friday

The hours keep extending, the crowds keep growing and the deals keep expanding, but is it all worth it? Target Shoppers on Black Friday   Related Links Consumer Resources Personal…

U.S. Avoids Default in 2011 and 2013

What would happen if the U.S. defaults? That's the $14 trillion question.     Related Links Economy 101 Business Basics Quiz Personal Finance Nobel Prize for Economics Labor…

Economy 101

The vocabulary of recession Related Links Business Basics QuizPersonal FinanceNobel Prize for EconomicsLabor and Employment As the U.S. financial system stumbles,…