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Niemeyer Soares, Oscar

(Encyclopedia) Niemeyer Soares, OscarNiemeyer Soares, Oscar&oobreve;skärˈ nēˈmīər s&oobreve;äˈrəs [key], 1907–2012, Brazil's foremost 20th-century architect, b. Rio de Janeiro. Influenced by…

Latrobe, Benjamin Henry

(Encyclopedia) Latrobe, Benjamin Henry (Benjamin Henry Boneval Latrobe)Latrobe, Benjamin Henrylətrōbˈ [key], 1764–1820, American architect, b. Yorkshire, England. He is considered the first…

Biology Science Projects

Science projects for all grades. More Science Projects Botany Science ProjectsChemistry Science ProjectsEarth Science ProjectsPhysical Science ProjectsRelated Links Biology:…

Botany Science Projects

Science projects for all grades. More Science Projects Biology Science ProjectsChemistry Science ProjectsEarth Science ProjectsPhysical Science ProjectsRelated Links Botany:…

Physical Science Projects

Science projects for all grades. More Science Projects Biology Science ProjectsBotany Science ProjectsChemistry Science ProjectsEarth Science ProjectsRelated Links Physics (Encyclopedia…

The Parts of a Science Project

Discovering "what happens if" Source: USDA Agricultural Research Service Related Links What Makes A Good Science Project?More on the Scientific MethodScience Project…

About Project Runway

Brief history and description of the Peabody Award winning show Project Runway by Mark Hughes Project Runway Quizzes Project Runway Quiz Tim…

Science Projects Tips

Homework Center – Frequently Asked Questions Science Projects Science Project Steps & Tips Steps to Prepare a Science Fair Project Experimental Science Projects: An Introductory…

Brewer's: Mercator's Projection

is Mercator's chart or map for nautical purposes. The meridian lines are at right angles to the parallels of latitude. It is so called because it was devised by Gerhard Kauffmann, whose…

Shoshone project

(Encyclopedia) Shoshone project, NW Wyo., near the Mont. line and in the Shoshone River basin. Developed by the U.S. Bureau of Reclamation, it irrigates a large portion of land and has four divisions…