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Tallest Buildings Timeline

When and how high they have been built by Beth Rowen and Catherine McNiff 1890 New York World Building, New York City (309 feet, the number of stories is disputed, but figures…

The Supreme Court Building

Source: U.S. Supreme Court. Web: . Despite its role as a coequal branch of government, the Supreme Court was not provided with a building of its own until 1935, the 146th year…

Tallest Building Demolished

The Question: What is the tallest building ever demolished? The Answer: According to the Guinness Book of World Records, the tallest building…

Tallest Buildings in History

The Question: Historically, what have been the world's tallest buildings? The Answer: Before getting to the list, let's define our terms. By…

Brewer's: Verulam Buildings

(London). So named in compliment to Lord Bacon, who was Baron Verulam and Viscount St. Albans. Source: Dictionary of Phrase and Fable, E. Cobham Brewer, 1894VervainVertumnus A B C D…

National Building Museum

Washington, D.C. Designed in 1887 by Montgomery C. Meigs photo by Carol M. Highsmith The American Institute of Architects and Harris Interactive selected the National Building Museum as one of…

Mayne, Thom

(Encyclopedia) Mayne, Thom, 1944–, American architect, b. Waterbury, Conn., grad. Univ. of Southern California (B.A., 1968), Harvard (M.A., 1978). In 1972 Mayne cofounded the firm Morphosis in Santa…


(Encyclopedia) ErechtheumErechtheumĭrĕkˈthēəm [key] [for Erechtheus], Gr. Erechtheion, temple in Pentelic marble, on the Acropolis at Athens. One of the masterpieces of Greek architecture, it was…

reclamation of land

(Encyclopedia) reclamation of land, practice of converting land deemed unproductive into arable land by such methods as irrigation, drainage, flood control, altering the texture and mineral and…

Utzon, Jørn

(Encyclopedia) Utzon, Jørn, 1918–2008, Danish architect, grad. Royal Academy of Fine Arts, Copenhagen (1942). He worked for Eric Gunnar Asplund in Sweden and Alvar Aalto in Finland before opening (…