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Mulholland, William

(Encyclopedia) Mulholland, William, 1855–1935, American engineer, b. Belfast, Ireland. He arrived in Los Angeles in 1877, becoming a laborer for the local water company. Despite his lack of formal…

Papp, Joseph

(Encyclopedia) Papp, Joseph, 1921–91, American theatrical director and producer, b. Brooklyn, N.Y. as Joseph Papirofsky. Papp, a major influence in American theater, founded the nonprofit New York…

Science Projects Take a Quantum Leap

Science Projects Take a Quantum Leap If you think it's all about dissecting frogs, you'd better read this by Borgna Brunner Related Links What Makes A Good Science Project?Science Project…

Advanced-Level Science Projects: Chemistry

ChemistryAdvanced-Level Science ProjectsChemistryWhat's in a Color?Copper Magic Which Metal Corrodes the Fastest? Did you ever have a shiny new bike that over time got to look not so shiny and…

Pelli, César

(Encyclopedia) Pelli, César, 1926–2019, American architect, b. Tucumán, Argentina. Pelli graduated (1949) from the Univ. of Tucumán, immigrated (1952) to the United States, and subsequently attended…

The World's Tallest Buildings Quiz

The world's tallest buildings are engineering marvels that have captured the imagination of architects, engineers, and the general public alike. From the iconic Burj Khalifa to the lesser-known…

World's Tallest Buildings Quiz

The competition to be the world's tallest building has raged for decades. How well do you know some of history's most famous contenders?

Tallest Buildings in the World Slideshow

by Beth Rowen For thousands of years, buildings have been used to show off power and wealth, to honor leaders or religions, to stretch architectural limits, and even to…

Tallest Buildings in the United States

Below is a list of the tallest buildings in the United States by height. Also included is date of completion and the number of stories in each structure. Building, City…

Advanced-Level Science Projects: Biology

BiologyAdvanced-Level Science ProjectsBiologyDo Plants Sweat Like People Do?What Types of Bacteria Are Found in Your House? Is the DNA of a Cow Different from a Chicken's? In This Section…