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Chauvin, Yves

(Encyclopedia) Chauvin, Yves, 1930–2015, French chemist, b. Menen, Belgium, grad. Lyon School of Chemistry, Physics, and Electronics (CPE), 1954. Chauvin was a research engineer (1960–91) and then…

Chamberlain, Wilt

(Encyclopedia) Chamberlain, Wilt (Wilton Norman Chamberlain), 1936–99, American basketball player, b. Philadelphia. At the Univ. of Kansas he was a two-time All-American center. During 14 seasons in…

Kobayashi, Makoto

(Encyclopedia) Kobayashi, Makoto, 1944–, Japanese physicist, Ph.D. Kyoto Univ., 1972. Kobayashi taught at Kyoto Univ. (1972–79) and the National Laboratory of High Energy Physics, Tsukuba, Japan (…

Ford, John, English dramatist

(Encyclopedia) Ford, John, 1586–c.1640, English dramatist, b. Devonshire. He went to London to study law but was never called to the bar. The early part of his playwriting career was taken up with…

Agnus Dei

(Encyclopedia) Agnus DeiAgnus Deiăgˈnəs dēˈī, änˈy&oobreve;s dāˈē [key] [Lat.], the Lamb of God, i.e., Jesus. The lamb of the Passover sacrifice is said to prefigure the crucifixion. Isaiah calls…

Wheeler, Burton Kendall

(Encyclopedia) Wheeler, Burton Kendall, 1882–1975, U.S. senator (1923–47), b. Hudson, Mass. He practiced law in Butte, Mont. Wheeler was (1911–13) a member of the state legislature and was appointed…


(Encyclopedia) TippecanoeTippecanoetĭpˌəkən&oomacr;ˈ [key], river, c.170 mi (270 km) long, rising in the lake district of NE Ind. and flowing SW to the Wabash River, near Lafayette. U.S. Gen.…

Sikorski, Władysław

(Encyclopedia) Sikorski, WładysławSikorski, Władysławvlädĭˈswäf shēkôrˈskē [key], 1881–1943, Polish general and politician. He fought in World War I and later (1922–25) held various cabinet posts.…

Rose, Irwin

(Encyclopedia) Rose, Irwin, 1926–2015, American biochemist, b. Brooklyn, N.Y., Ph.D. Univ. of Chicago, 1952. Rose was on the faculty of Yale Medical School from 1954 to 1963 and a senior member of…

Radishchev, Aleksandr Nikolayevich

(Encyclopedia) Radishchev, Aleksandr NikolayevichRadishchev, Aleksandr Nikolayevichəlyĭksänˈdər nyĭkəlīˈəvĭch rədyēshˈchĭf [key], 1749–1802, Russian writer and liberal. Of a noble family, he studied…