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Barney, Joshua

(Encyclopedia) Barney, JoshuaBarney, Joshuabärˈnē [key], 1759–1818, American naval officer and privateer, b. Baltimore. He entered the navy early in the American Revolution, engaged in many feats of…

Smithson, Robert

(Encyclopedia) Smithson, Robert, 1938–73, American sculptor, b. Passaic, N.J. After first making modular, serial sculpture, Smithson began to design large-scale earthworks (see land art) in the 1960s…

rift valley

(Encyclopedia) rift valley, elongated depression, trough, or graben in the earth's crust, bounded on both sides by normal faults and occurring on the continents or under the oceans. The central flat…

Greuze, Jean-Baptiste

(Encyclopedia) Greuze, Jean-BaptisteGreuze, Jean-BaptistezhäN bätēstˈ gröz [key], 1725–1805, French genre and portrait painter. He studied at the Académie Royale and won recognition in 1755 with his…


(Encyclopedia) acetylcholineacetylcholineəsētˌəlkōˈlēn [key], a small organic molecule liberated at nerve endings as a neurotransmitter. It is particularly important in the stimulation of muscle…

Cisalpine Republic

(Encyclopedia) Cisalpine RepublicCisalpine Republicsĭsălˈpīn [key], Italian state created by Napoleon Bonaparte in 1797 by uniting the Transpadane and Cispadane republics, which he had established (…

fetal alcohol syndrome

(Encyclopedia) fetal alcohol syndrome (FAS), pattern of physical, developmental, and psychological abnormalities seen in babies born to mothers who consumed alcohol during pregnancy. The…

Mudd, Samuel Alexander

(Encyclopedia) Mudd, Samuel Alexander, 1833–83, Maryland physician and Confederate sympathizer who on April 15, 1865, set the broken left leg of Lincoln's fleeing assassin, John Wilkes Booth. Mudd…

Ypres, battles of

(Encyclopedia) Ypres, battles of, three major engagements of World War I fought in and around the town of Ypres in SW Belgium. The first battle of Ypres (Oct.–Nov., 1914) was the last of the series…

Uruguay , river, South America

(Encyclopedia) UruguayUruguayy&oobreve;ˈrəgwā, gwī, Span. &oomacr;r&oomacr;gwiˈ, &oomacr;r&oomacr;wīˈ [key], river, c.1,000 mi (1,610 km) long, rising in S Brazil and flowing in…