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Molly Maguires

(Encyclopedia) Molly MaguiresMolly Maguiresməgwīˈərz [key], secret organization of Irish-Americans in the coal-mining districts of Pennsylvania. Its name came from a woman who led an extralegal,…

Manning, Peyton Williams

(Encyclopedia) Manning, Peyton Williams, 1976–, American football player, b. New Orleans. Part of a National Football League quarterback dynasty (his father, Archie, led the New Orleans Saints; his…

Coleman, Ornette

(Encyclopedia) Coleman, Ornette, 1930–2015, African-American saxophonist and composer, b. Fort Worth, Tex. Largely self-taught, he began playing the alto saxophone in rhythm-and-blues bands. He later…

Feng Yü-hsiang

(Encyclopedia) Feng Yü-hsiangFeng Yü-hsiangfŭng yü-shyäng [key], 1882–1948, Chinese general. He held various military positions under the Ch'ing dynasty. Feng's conversion to Methodism in 1914 gained…


(Encyclopedia) catabolismcatabolismkətăbˈəlĭzˌəm [key], subdivision of metabolism involving all degradative chemical reactions in the living cell. Large polymeric molecules such as polysaccharides,…

Schnabel, Julian

(Encyclopedia) Schnabel, JulianSchnabel, Julianshnäˈbəl [key], 1951–, American artist, b. Brooklyn, N.Y. He studied art at the Univ. of Houston and the Whitney Museum. A neoexpressionist, he became a…


(Encyclopedia) EphesiansEphesiansĭfēˈzhənz [key], letter of the New Testament, written, according to tradition, by St. Paul to the Christians of Ephesus from his captivity at Rome (c.a.d. 60). There…


(Encyclopedia) lithospherelithospherelĭthˈəsfērˌ [key], brittle uppermost shell of the earth, broken into a number of tectonic plates. The lithosphere consists of the heavy oceanic and lighter…

Auerbach, Red

(Encyclopedia) Auerbach, Red (Arnold Jacob Auerbach)Auerbach, Redouˈərbăkˌ, –bäkˌ [key], 1917–2006, American basketball coach and executive, b. Brooklyn, N.Y. As coach of the Boston Celtics (1950–66…

Abdul-Jabbar, Kareem

(Encyclopedia) Abdul-Jabbar, KareemAbdul-Jabbar, Kareemkərēmˈ ăbˈd&oobreve;l jəbärˈ [key], 1947–, American basketball player, b. New York City as Ferdinand Lewis (Lew) Alcindor. At 7 ft 2 in. (…