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Shimazaki Toson

(Encyclopedia) Shimazaki TosonShimazaki Tosonshēˈmäˈzäˈkē tōˈsōn [key], 1872–1943, Japanese poet and novelist. A pioneer in the establishment of a new Japanese verse form, Toson later turned his…

fiber, dietary

(Encyclopedia) fiber, dietary, bulky part of food that cannot be broken down by enzymes in the small intestine of the digestive system. Almost all natural fiber comes from plants. Although fiber has…

Novikov, Nikolai Ivanovich

(Encyclopedia) Novikov, Nikolai IvanovichNovikov, Nikolai Ivanovichnyĭkəlīˈ ēväˈnəvĭch nôˈvēkəf [key], 1744–1818, Russian journalist and publisher. In 1769, with the Drone, he started the vogue of…

Zacatecas, city, Mexico

(Encyclopedia) Zacatecas, city (1990 pop. 100,051), capital of Zacatecas state, N central Mexico. With an altitude of more than 8,000 ft (2,438 m), it is situated in a deep ravine surrounded by arid…

Moabite stone

(Encyclopedia) Moabite stoneMoabite stonemōˈəbītˌ [key], ancient slab of stone erected in 850 b.c. by King Mesha of Moab; it contains a long inscription commemorating a victory in his revolt against…


(Encyclopedia) KristallnachtKristallnachtkrĭsˌtäl-näkht [key] [Ger.,=night of crystal], in German history, the night of Nov. 9, 1938, a night of violence against Jews and of destruction of the…

Cumberland Plateau

(Encyclopedia) Cumberland Plateau or Cumberland Mountains, southwestern division of the Appalachian Mt. system, extending northeast to southwest through parts of West Virginia, Virginia, Kentucky,…

Gordon, Lord George

(Encyclopedia) Gordon, Lord George, 1751–93, English agitator, whose activities resulted in the tragic Gordon riots of 1780 in London. In 1779, Gordon assumed leadership of the Protestant Association…

Gruffydd ap Llywelyn

(Encyclopedia) Gruffydd ap Llywelyn or LlewelynGruffydd ap Llywelyn or Llewelyngrĭfˈĭᵺ äp hləwĕlˈĭn, l&oomacr;ĕlˈĭn [key], d. 1063, ruler of Wales (1039–63). A series of campaigns against other…


(Encyclopedia) concrete, structural masonry material made by mixing broken stone or gravel with sand, cement, and water and allowing the mixture to harden into a solid mass. The cement is the…