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Berry, Martha McChesney

(Encyclopedia) Berry, Martha McChesney, 1866–1942, American educator and philanthropist, b. near Rome, Ga., Ph.D. Univ. of Georgia, 1920. Determined to provide educational opportunities for…

Tickell, Thomas

(Encyclopedia) Tickell, ThomasTickell, Thomastĭkˈəl [key], 1686–1740, English poet and translator. A contributor of verse to the Spectator, he was a friend of Addison, for whom he wrote a fine elegy…

Russell, Charles Edward

(Encyclopedia) Russell, Charles Edward, 1860–1941, American author, b. Davenport, Iowa. He was a prominent newspaper editor (1894–1902) in New York and Chicago. A member of the Socialist party before…

Steele, Joel Dorman

(Encyclopedia) Steele, Joel Dorman, 1836–86, American educator and textbook writer, b. Lima, N.Y., grad. Genesee College (now Syracuse Univ.), 1858. While serving as principal of the Elmira (N.Y.)…

Severn, Joseph

(Encyclopedia) Severn, JosephSevern, Josephsĕvˈərn [key], 1793–1879, English portrait and landscape painter. He was consul at Rome from 1861 to 1872. He is best known for his devotion to Keats during…

Slezak, Leo

(Encyclopedia) Slezak, LeoSlezak, Leoslāˈzäk [key], 1873–1946, Czech tenor, pupil of Jean de Reszke. After his debut as Lohengrin at Brno in 1896, he sang in Vienna, Berlin, and later at the…

Porson, Richard

(Encyclopedia) Porson, Richard, 1759–1808, English classical scholar, b. Norfolk. A poor boy, he showed such astonishing powers of memory that patrons sent him through Eton and Cambridge. He was…

Barker, Eugene Campbell

(Encyclopedia) Barker, Eugene Campbell, 1874–1956, American historian, b. Walker co., Tex. His distinguished teaching career, begun in 1899, was almost entirely at the Univ. of Texas. An outstanding…

Seaver, Tom

(Encyclopedia) Seaver, Tom (George Thomas Seaver), 1944–2020, American baseball pitcher and sportscaster, b. Fresno, Calif. During his career (1967–86), he won a total of 311 games for the New York…

Pastor, Tony

(Encyclopedia) Pastor, Tony, c.1837–1908, American theater manager, b. New York City. Pastor appeared on the stage from childhood and became an experienced acrobat, dancer, and singer. He opened his…