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Seelye, Laurenus Clark

(Encyclopedia) Seelye, Laurenus Clark, 1837–1924, American educator and Congregational clergyman, b. Bethel, Conn., grad. Union College, 1857, and studied at Andover Theological Seminary and in…

Peabody, Endicott

(Encyclopedia) Peabody, EndicottPeabody, Endicottpēˈbädē, –bədē [key], 1857–1944, American educator, b. Salem, Mass., grad. Cheltenham College, 1876, LL.B. Cambridge, 1880. Ordained (1885) in the…

Cousins, Samuel

(Encyclopedia) Cousins, SamuelCousins, Samuelkŭzˈənz [key], 1801–87, English mezzotint engraver. He is famous for his interpretations in mezzotint of the work of Sir Thomas Lawrence, but his plates,…

Young, Arthur

(Encyclopedia) Young, Arthur, 1741–1820, English agriculturist. His writings hastened the progress of scientific farming. He traveled widely, always observing techniques of farming. In 1784, Young…

Benjamin, Park

(Encyclopedia) Benjamin, Park, 1809–64, American journalist, b. British Guiana (now Guyana). As owner and editor of the New England Magazine, he merged it (1835) with the American Monthly Magazine of…

Mander, Karel van

(Encyclopedia) Mander, Karel vanMander, Karel vankäˈrəl vän mänˈdər [key], 1548–1606, Flemish painter and humanist. He wrote plays on biblical themes and translated from the classics. He is known…

Lenclos, Ninon de

(Encyclopedia) Lenclos, Ninon deLenclos, Ninon denēnôNˈ də läNklōˈ [key], 1620–1705, French beauty and wit. Her real name was Anne de Lenclos. She numbered among her many lovers and friends such…

Lloyd, Henry Demarest

(Encyclopedia) Lloyd, Henry Demarest, 1847–1903, American reformer, b. New York City. He was on the editorial staff of the Chicago Tribune from 1872 to 1885 but resigned to study social problems. His…

De Forest, Lee

(Encyclopedia) De Forest, Lee, 1873–1961, American inventor, b. Council Bluffs, Iowa, grad. Yale, 1896. He was a pioneer in the development of wireless telegraphy, sound pictures, and television. His…

Dudley, Thomas

(Encyclopedia) Dudley, Thomas, 1576–1653, colonial governor of Massachusetts, b. England. As a young man he served as a clerk and later as steward to the earl of Lincoln. In 1630 he emigrated to…