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Gosse, Sir Edmund William

(Encyclopedia) Gosse, Sir Edmund WilliamGosse, Sir Edmund Williamgŏs [key], 1849–1928, English biographer and critic. He was lecturer in English literature at Trinity College, Cambridge (1884–90) and…

Lowell, Abbott Lawrence

(Encyclopedia) Lowell, Abbott Lawrence, 1856–1943, American educator, president of Harvard (1909–33), b. Boston, grad. Harvard (B.A., 1877; LL.B., 1880); brother of Percival Lowell and Amy Lowell. He…

Wordsworth, Christopher

(Encyclopedia) Wordsworth, Christopher, 1774–1846, English clergyman, educator, and writer; youngest brother of William Wordsworth. He was master of Trinity College, Cambridge, from 1820 to 1841.…

Cousins, Samuel

(Encyclopedia) Cousins, SamuelCousins, Samuelkŭzˈənz [key], 1801–87, English mezzotint engraver. He is famous for his interpretations in mezzotint of the work of Sir Thomas Lawrence, but his plates,…

Ingram, Arthur Foley Winnington

(Encyclopedia) Ingram, Arthur Foley WinningtonIngram, Arthur Foley Winningtonĭngˈgrəm [key], 1858–1946, English prelate, bishop of London (1901–39). He was a lifelong leader in social work in London'…

Applegarth, Robert

(Encyclopedia) Applegarth, Robert, 1834–1924, English trade union leader, a carpenter by trade. A charter member of the Amalgamated Society of Carpenters and Joiners, he became in 1862 its general…

Allen, Hervey

(Encyclopedia) Allen, Hervey, 1889–1949, American novelist and poet, b. Pittsburgh, grad. Univ. of Pittsburgh, 1915. After service in World War I, he taught English in Charleston, S.C., where, in…

Arch, Joseph

(Encyclopedia) Arch, Joseph, 1826–1919, English labor leader, a Primitive Methodist preacher. He founded the National Agricultural Labourers Union in 1872 and became its president. In 1873, Arch…

Johnson, Rossiter

(Encyclopedia) Johnson, Rossiter, 1840–1931, American editor, b. Rochester, N.Y. He was associate editor (1873–77) of the American Cyclopaedia, editor (1883–1902) of the Annual Cyclopedia, and…

Lathrop, Julia Clifford

(Encyclopedia) Lathrop, Julia Clifford, 1858–1932, American social worker and administrator, b. Rockford, Ill., grad. Vassar, 1880. Associated with Jane Addams at Hull House in Chicago, she was…