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Saint Lucia Map

  Saint Lucia Profile: History ‚· Government ‚· Economy ‚· Population ƒ‚‚¬‚¦ Saint Lucia Information Encyclopedia: Saint Lucia In-depth entries covering…

Edward Murray BASSETT, Congress, NY (1863-1948)

BASSETT Edward Murray , a Representative from New York; born in Brooklyn, N.Y., February 7, 1863; attended the public schools in Brooklyn and Watertown, N.Y., and Hamilton College, Clinton, N.Y.,…

Security a Big Concern in Sochi

Threat of terrorist attacks prompts heightened security measures Sochi Seaport Related Links 2014 Winter Olympics Country Profile: RussiaSochiVladimir Putin The threat of a…

Serbia and Montenegro Map

  Serbia and Montenegro Profile: History · Government · Economy · Population €¦ See also: Bosnia and Herzegovina, Macedonia, and Kosovo (below). Serbia and Montenegro…

Life Expectancy by Country

The Places Where People Live the Longest If you look at the rankings, the average life expectancy by country can vary greatly. Why is that? Some factors, like access to health care, are obvious.…

Real Estate Developer

Gregg Bradbury Tell us about your work -- what do you do? Real estate developer of land , office buildings, hotels, apartments, and assisted living…


First Olympic Appearance: 1900 by Beth Rowen Did You Know? As legend has it, Robin Hood once won an archery contest by splitting the arrow of a competitor with his own arrow. That act is…

Bill O’Reilly

Bill O'Reilly was the longtime host of the political opinion show The O'Reilly Factor on the Fox News network until he was forced out in 2017 on the heels of a long-running sexual harrassment scandal…

Russia vs. Chechnya: Round Two

The crisis moves west by Sarah K. Miller This article was posted on October 8, 1999. Russian soldiers, fighting for control of Chechnya, carry a gun near Grozny on Oct. 8, 1999. (…