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(Encyclopedia) YokohamaYokohamayōˌkōhäˈmä [key], city (1990 pop. 3,220,331), capital of Kanagawa prefecture, SE Honshu, Japan, on the western shore of Tokyo Bay. Japan's second largest city and one…

Zhukov, Georgi Konstantinovich

(Encyclopedia) Zhukov, Georgi KonstantinovichZhukov, Georgi Konstantinovichgēôrˈgē kənstəntyēˈnəvĭch zh&oomacr;ˈkôf [key], 1896–1974, Soviet marshal. He fought in the October Revolution (1917)…

Tribal Areas

(Encyclopedia) Tribal Areas, officially the Federally Administered Tribal Areas (FATA), former administrative region, 10,510 sq mi (27,220 sq km), NW Pakistan, comprising seven agencies (or tribal…

North American Free Trade Agreement

(Encyclopedia) North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA), accord establishing a free-trade zone in North America; it was signed in 1992 by Canada, Mexico, and the United States and took effect on…


(Encyclopedia) serpentineserpentinesûrˈpəntēn, –tīn [key], hydrous silicate of magnesium. It occurs in crystalline form only as a pseudomorph having the form of some other mineral and is generally…

Sèvres, Treaty of

(Encyclopedia) Sèvres, Treaty of, 1920, peace treaty concluded after World War I at Sèvres, France, between the Ottoman Empire (Turkey), on the one hand, and the Allies (excluding Russia and the…


(Encyclopedia) Basilicata Basilicata bäzēlēkäˈtä [key], region, 3,856 sq mi (9,987 sq km), S Italy, bordering on the…

Saint Kitts and Nevis Map

  Saint Kitts and Nevis Profile: History ‚· Government ‚· Economy ‚· Population ƒ‚‚¬‚¦ Saint Kitts and Nevis Information Encyclopedia: Saint Kitts and Nevis…

American Samoa Map

  American Samoa Profile: History · Government · Economy · Population  See also: map of all islands comprising American Samoa. American Samoa Information…