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Guinea-Bissau Map

  Guinea-Bissau Profile: History ‚· Government ‚· Economy ‚· Population ƒ‚‚¬‚¦ Guinea-Bissau Information Encyclopedia: Guinea-Bissau In-depth entries…

Saint Pierre and Miquelon Map

  Saint Pierre and Miquelon Profile: History · Government · Economy · Population €¦ Saint Pierre and Miquelon Information Encyclopedia: Saint Pierre and…

Where will the Sun first rise on January 1, 2000?

Whether the millennium begins in 2000 or 2001 is not the only debate surrounding the New Year's Eve party of the century. Just exactly where the dawn of the new age will take place has become an…

Richard Matheson

Richard Matheson was an American writer best known for his story I Am Legend, and for his work on the classic television series The Twilight Zone. The New Jersey son of Norwegian immigrants, Matheson…

Rod Serling

Rod Serling was a successful television writer of the 1950s and '60s, known especially as the creator and host of the eerie series The Twilight Zone (1959-65). Rod Serling grew up in upstate New…


(Encyclopedia) Anhui or Anhwei Anhwei both: änˈhwāˈ [key], province, c.55,000 sq mi (142,450 sq km), E central China. Hefei is the capital. Anhui may be divided into two climatic…


(Encyclopedia) mantle, portion of the earth's interior lying beneath the crust and above the core. No direct observation of the mantle, or its upper boundary, has been made; its boundaries have been…

Edelson, Mary Beth

(Encyclopedia) Edelson, Mary Beth,, 1933-2021, American painter, sculptor, performance artist, and leader of the feminist art movement, b. East…

Alpha Centauri

(Encyclopedia) Alpha CentauriAlpha Centauriălˈfə sĕntôrˈē [key], brightest star in the constellation Centaurus and 3d-brightest star in the sky; also known as Rigil Kent or Rigil Kentaurus; 1992…

Kuala Lumpur

(Encyclopedia) Kuala LumpurKuala Lumpurkwäˈlə l&oobreve;mˈp&oobreve;r [key], city (1990 est. pop. 1,750,000), capital of Malaysia, S Malay Peninsula, at the confluence of the Klang and Gombak…