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Khakass Republic

(Encyclopedia) Khakass RepublicKhakass Republickhəkäsˈ, kəkăsˈ [key] or KhakassiaKhakassiakhəkäsˈēə [key], constituent republic (1990 est. pop. 573,000) 23,900 sq mi (61,900 sq km), S central…


(Encyclopedia) CE5 The seasons are caused by the tilt of the earth's axis to the plane of its orbit about the sun. The Northern Hemisphere is tilted toward the sun in the summer and receives more…


(Encyclopedia) RhinelandRhinelandrīnˈlăndˌ [key], Ger. Rheinland, region of W Germany, along the Rhine River. The term is sometimes used to designate only the former Rhine Province of Prussia, but in…

John Keats: La Belle Dame sans Merci

For There's Bishop's TeignLines Rhymed in a Letter from OxfordLa Belle Dame sans Merci A Ballad Original version Oh what can ail thee, knight-at-arms, Alone and palely loitering?…

Writing Well: Stop, Thief!

Stop, Thief!Writing WellIn the End ZoneCredit Given HereStop, Thief!Light at the End of the Tunnel As you learned in “Paper Chase,” you write a research paper to argue a thesis. To do so, you cite…

Super Bowl Preview 2001s

Giants vs. Ravens - Jan. 28, 2001, 6:00 p.m. by Mike Morrison THE OUTLOOK Both teams appear to be peeking at the right time. Since being embarrassed at home by Detroit in week 11, the Giants…

Commonwealth of Independent States

(Encyclopedia) Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS), community of independent nations established by a treaty signed at Minsk, Belarus, on Dec. 8, 1991, by the heads of state of Russia, Belarus,…

earth, in geology and astronomy

(Encyclopedia) CE5 A. Cross section of the earth, showing its shells B. Detailed cross section of the crust and upper mantle: The lithosphere consists of the hard rock in the crust and upper…