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North America

(Encyclopedia) CE5 North America, third largest continent (2015 est. pop. 571,949,000), c.9,400,000 sq mi (24,346,000 sq km), the northern of the two continents of the Western Hemisphere. North…

Russia Map Quiz

Russia is the largest country in the world, spanning across 11 time zones and two continents, Europe and AsiIts vast territory encompasses stunning natural landscapes, bustling cities, and diverse…

Territorial Expansion

Accession Date Area1United States — 3,717,796 Territory in 1790 — 891,364 Louisiana Purchase 1803 831,321 Florida 1819 69,866 Texas 1845 384,958 Oregon 1846 283,439 Mexican Cession 1848 530,706…

Cyprus Department of State Background

U.S. Department of State Background Note Cyprus Index: People and History Government Political Conditions Foreign Relations U.S.-Cyprus Relations PEOPLE AND HISTORYSince 1974, Cyprus has been…

John McCain

Candidate for the 2008 Republican presidential nomination by Beth Rowen John McCain Related Links Sarah Palin John McCain’s campaign website Facts…

Writing Well: Light at the End of the Tunnel

Light at the End of the TunnelWriting WellIn the End ZoneCredit Given HereStop, Thief!Light at the End of the Tunnel You're almost there, partner. Just a few more matters to attend to and you'll be…

Submarine Volcanoes

Submarine volcanoes and volcanic vents are common features on certain zones of the ocean floor. Some are active at the present time and, in shallow water, disclose their presence by blasting…

Albert Salmi

Albert Salmi studied at the prestigious Actors Studio in the 1950s and got his first big break in 1955, when he starred as Bo, the brash young cowboy, in the original Broadway production of Bus Stop…