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(Encyclopedia) KotzebueKotzebuekŏtˈsəby&oomacr; [key], city (1990 pop. 2,751), NW Alaska, on Kotzebue Sound at the tip of Baldwin Peninsula; inc. 1958. It has one of the largest settlements of…

Steelyard, Merchants of the

(Encyclopedia) Steelyard, Merchants of the, German hanse, or merchants guild, residing at the Steelyard on the Thames near the present Ironbridge Wharf at London, England. The merchants of the…

Chotts, Plateau of the

(Encyclopedia) Chotts, Plateau of theChotts, Plateau of theshŏts [key] [Arab.,=salt lake], plateau region of the Atlas Mts., alt. c.3,500 ft (1,070 m), N Algeria, N Africa. The plateau is c.125 mi (…

Amon, in the Bible

(Encyclopedia) AmonAmonāˈmŏn [key] [Heb.,=trustworthy]. 1 King of Judah (642–640 b.c.), son and successor of Manasseh. According to Chronicles, he was inattentive to the worship of God, and the…

Americas, University of the

(Encyclopedia) Americas, University of the, at Cholula, Puebla, Mexico; founded 1940 as Mexico City College. The school achieved university status in 1963. It has faculties of administration, basic…

air, law of the

(Encyclopedia) air, law of the, in the broadest sense, all law connected with the use of the air, including radio and satellite transmissions; more commonly, it refers to laws concerning civil…

Acts of the Apostles

(Encyclopedia) Acts of the Apostles, book of the New Testament. It is the only 1st-century account of the expansion of Christianity in its earliest period. It was written in Greek anonymously as…

South, University of the

(Encyclopedia) South, University of the, called Sewanee, at Sewanee, Tenn.; Episcopal; coeducational; chartered 1858, opened 1868. It has a college of arts and sciences and a theological school. The…

Benedict the Black, Saint

(Encyclopedia) Benedict the Black, Saint, d. 1589, Sicilian friar. Born a slave, he became a hermit and later a Franciscan lay brother. Although illiterate, his humility and extraordinary powers as…

precession of the equinoxes

(Encyclopedia) CE5 Precession of the equinoxes (the points at which the earth's celestial equator intersects its ecliptic) is due to the slow rotation of the earth's axis around a perpendicular to…