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(Encyclopedia) Carmel-by-the-Sea or Carmel Carmel kärmĕlˈ [key], village (2020 pop. 3,220…

Cincinnati, Society of the

(Encyclopedia) Cincinnati, Society of the [Lat. pl. of Cincinnatus], organization formed (1783) by officers of the Continental Army just before their disbanding after the American Revolution. The…

Somme, Battles of the

(Encyclopedia) Somme, Battles of the, two engagements fought during World War I near the Somme River, N France. The first battle (July–Nov., 1916) was an Allied offensive. The British, commanded by…

Battle of the Bulge

(Encyclopedia) Battle of the Bulge, popular name in World War II for the German counterattack in the Ardennes, Dec., 1944–Jan., 1945. More than a million men fought in what is also known as the…

Christ of the Andes

(Encyclopedia) Christ of the Andes, statue of Jesus commemorating a series of peace and boundary treaties between Argentina and Chile. Dedicated Mar. 13, 1904, it stands in Uspallata Pass, high in…

Dionysius the Areopagite, Saint

(Encyclopedia) Dionysius the Areopagite, SaintDionysius the Areopagite, Saintdīənĭshˈēəs, [key]Dionysius the Areopagite, Saintârēŏpˈəjīt [key], fl. 1st cent. a.d., Athenian Christian, converted by…

Fathers of the Church

(Encyclopedia) Fathers of the Church, collective name for the Christian writers of early times whose work is considered generally orthodox. A convenient definition includes all such writers up to and…

David, in the Bible

(Encyclopedia) David, d. c.970 b.c., king of ancient Israel (c.1010–970 b.c.), successor of Saul. The Book of First Samuel introduces him as the youngest of eight sons who is anointed king by Samuel…

Kendrick, John

(Encyclopedia) Kendrick, John, c.1740–1794, American sea captain, b. Massachusetts. During part of the American Revolution he commanded privateers. As commander of an expedition composed of the…

Imitation of Christ, The

(Encyclopedia) Imitation of Christ, The, Christian devotional book, of great popularity. It originated among the Brothers of the Common Life in the Netherlands and was written probably c.1425.…