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justice of the peace

(Encyclopedia) justice of the peace, official presiding over a type of police court. In some states of the United States the justices, who are usually elected, have jurisdiction over petty civil and…

Confederation of the Rhine

(Encyclopedia) Confederation of the Rhine, league of German states formed by Emperor Napoleon I in 1806 after his defeat of the Austrians at Austerlitz. Among its members were the newly created…

Lot, in the Bible

(Encyclopedia) Lot, in the Book of Genesis, the son of Abraham's brother Haran. Lot settled in Sodom and received a warning of its destruction. As he fled with his family, his wife, disobeying God's…

Emmaus, in the Bible

(Encyclopedia) EmmausEmmausĕmāˈəs [key], in the Bible. 1 Place, outside Jerusalem, where Cleopas and another disciple met the risen Christ. 2 Place, where Judas Maccabeus defeated Gorgias. It is now…

Basil the Great, Saint

(Encyclopedia) Basil the Great, SaintBasil the Great, Saintbăˈzĭl, bāˈ– [key], c.330–379, Greek prelate, bishop of Caesarea in Cappadocia, Doctor of the Church and one of the Four Fathers of the…

Pyrenees, Peace of the

(Encyclopedia) Pyrenees, Peace of the, 1659, treaty ending the warfare between France and Spain that, continuing after the Peace of Westphalia, which ended the Thirty Years War, had been complicated…

Lake of the Woods

(Encyclopedia) Lake of the Woods, 1,485 sq mi (3,846 sq km), c.70 mi (110 km) long, on the U.S.-Canada border in the pine forest region of N Minn., SE Man., and SW Ont. More than two thirds of the…

press, freedom of the

(Encyclopedia) press, freedom of the, liberty to print or to otherwise disseminate information, as in print, by broadcasting, or through electronic media, without prior restraints such as licensing…

Dunes, Battle of the

(Encyclopedia) Dunes, Battle of the, 1658, decisive engagement fought near Dunkirk in the struggle between France and Spain that had resulted from Spanish intervention in the Fronde. The Spanish…

Church of the Nazarene

(Encyclopedia) Church of the NazareneChurch of the Nazarenenăzˌərēnˈ [key], U.S. Protestant denomination established in 1908 through the union of the Church of the Nazarene, based in California; the…