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Henry, Pierre Georges

(Encyclopedia) Henry, Pierre Georges, 1927–2017, French composer noted for his contributions to electronic music. He studied with Nadia Boulanger and Olivier Messiaen at the Paris Conservatory, where…

Dome of the Rock

(Encyclopedia) Dome of the Rock: see Islamic art and architecture.

Medan, in the Bible

(Encyclopedia) MedanMedanmēˈdăn [key], in the Bible, son of Abraham and Keturah.

Joanna, in the Bible

(Encyclopedia) Joanna, in the New Testament. 1 Wife of Herod's steward Chuza. She was a follower of Jesus and was one who found the tomb empty. 2 Ancestor of St. Joseph.

Zion, in the Bible

(Encyclopedia) ZionZionzīˈən [key] or SionZionsīˈən [key], section of Jerusalem, defined in the Bible as the City of David. Originally the name referred to the Jebusite fortress conquered by David,…

Tartan, in the Bible

(Encyclopedia) TartanTartantärˈtăn [key], in the Bible, official title of two Assyrians sent to Hezekiah by Sennacherib and Sargon.

Bethany, in the Bible

(Encyclopedia) BethanyBethanybĕthˈənē [key]. 1 Village, at the southeastern foot of the Mount of Olives, the modern El Aziriye, 2 mi (3.2 km) E of Jerusalem. In the Gospels, it is the home of Lazarus…

Thames, battle of the

(Encyclopedia) Thames, battle of the, engagement fought on the Thames River near Chatham, Ont. (Oct. 5, 1813), in the War of 1812. Gen. William H. Harrison led an American force of about 3,000…

Garden of the Gods

(Encyclopedia) Garden of the Gods, park, 770 acres (312 hectares), central Colo., near Colorado Springs; noted for its unusual, multicolored rock formations. Narrow-crested sandstone hills and ridges…

Gregory the Illuminator, Saint

(Encyclopedia) Gregory the Illuminator, Saint, d. c.330, churchman, called the Apostle of Armenia. He was the first metropolitan of Armenia and is revered as founder of the Armenian Church. Feast:…