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Displaying 441 - 450

Aquila, in the Bible

(Encyclopedia) AquilaAquilaăkˈwĭlə, əkwĭlˈə [key], in the New Testament, Christian of Jewish origin from Pontus who lived at Rome. He and his wife, Prisca or Priscilla, were friendly to Paul.


(Encyclopedia) Milford. 1 Residential city (1990 pop. 49,938), New Haven co., SW Conn., on Long Island Sound; settled 1639, inc. as a city 1959. Oysters and clams are gathered there for commercial…


(Encyclopedia) Washington-on-the-Brazos, former town, S central Tex., on the Brazos River; settled 1821. It was the scene of the Texas declaration of independence from Mexico on Mar. 2, 1836, and in…

Inside Passage

(Encyclopedia) Inside Passage, natural, protected waterway, c.950 mi (1,530 km) long, threading through the Alexander Archipelago off the coast of British Columbia and SE Alaska. From Seattle, Wash…

Arad, in the Bible

(Encyclopedia) AradAradāˈrăd [key], in the Bible, royal town in the Negev, the modern Tell Arad (Israel), S of Hebron. The “king Arad” in the Book of Numbers is a mistranslation for “king of Arad.”…

Crossfield, Scott

(Encyclopedia) Crossfield, Scott (Albert Scott Crossfield), 1921–2006, American aviator, b. Berkeley, Calif. A fighter pilot and flight instructor in the navy (1942–46) during World War II, he…

Ar, in the Bible

(Encyclopedia) ArArär [key], city of Moab, probably one of the important centers E of the Dead Sea. The Greeks called it Areopolis, and later it was called Rabbath Moab. References to it in the Bible…

Rehoboth, in the Bible

(Encyclopedia) RehobothRehobothrĭhōˈbəth [key] [Heb.,=broad places]. 1 As occurring in the Book of Genesis, well dug by Isaac. 2 City of Assyria, or possibly a part of Nineveh, mentioned in Genesis.…

Hadad, in the Bible

(Encyclopedia) HadadHadadhāˈdăd [key], in the Bible. 1 Son of Ishmael. An alternate form is Hadar. 2 King of Edom. 3 Last king of Edom. Hadar is an alternate form. 4 Scion of the kings of Edom, who…