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Brewer's: Red Snow

and Gory Dew. The latter is a slimy damp-like blood which appears on walls. Both are due to the presence of the algae called by botanists Palmella cruenta and Haematococcus sanguineus,…

Brewer's: Red Tape

Official formality; so called because lawyers and government officials tie their papers together with red tape. Charles Dickens introduced the phrase. “There is a good deal of red tape at…

Brewer's: Red Tapism

The following is from Truth, Feb. 10th, 1887, p. 207:- There was an escape of gas at Cambridge Barracks, and this is the way of proceeding: The escape was discovered by a private, who…

Brewer's: Red Tincture

That preparation which the alchemists thought would convert any baser metal into gold. It is sometimes called the Philosopher's Stone, the Great Elixir, and the Great Magisterium. (See…

Brewer's: Redding-straik

(A). A blow received by a peacemaker, who interferes between two combatants to red or separate them; proverbially, the severest blow a man can receive. “Said I not to ye, `Make not, meddle…

Detroit Red Wings

Top ScorersGmGAPts+/-PMPPSteve Yzerman752445693466Nicklas Lidstrom8017425922187Brendan Shanahan75282957615415Vyacheslav Kozlov8025275214466Larry Murphy8211415235372Igor…

Red Sox, 3-2

Date Winner Home FieldOct. 6Indians, 3-2at ClevelandOct. 7Indians, 11-1at ClevelandOct. 9Red Sox, 9-3at BostonOct. 10Red Sox, 23-7at BostonOct. 11Red Sox, 12-8at ClevelandGame 1Wednesday, Oct…

Brewer's: Admiral of the Red

A punning term applied to a wine-bibber whose face and nose are very red. Source: Dictionary of Phrase and Fable, E. Cobham Brewer, 1894AdmittanceAdmiral of the Blue A B C D E F G…

The Thin Red Line

Director/Writer:Terrence MalickTwentieth Century Fox; R; 170 minutesCast:Sean Penn, Adrian Brody, Ben Chaplin, Nick Nolte, John Travolta, Woody Harrelson, John Cusack, Elias Koteas, Dash…

Brewer's: Indian Red

Red haematite (peroxide of iron), found abundantly in the Forest of Dean, Gloucestershire. It is of a deep, lakey hue, used for flesh tints. The Persian Red, which is of a darker hue with…