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Brewer's: Red Cock

The red cock will crow in his house. His house will be set on fire. “`We'll see if the red cock craw not in his bonnie barn-yard ae morning.' `What does she mean?' said Mannering ... `Fire…

Brewer's: Red Comyn

Sir John Comyn of Badenoch, son of Marjory, sister of King John Balliol; so called from his ruddy complexion and red hair, to distinguish him from his kinsman “Black Comyn,” whose…

Brewer's: Red Cross

(The). The badge of the royal banner of England till those of St. Patrick and St. Andrew were added. “The fall of Rouen (1419) was the fall of the whole province ... and the red cross of…

Brewer's: Red Feathers

(The). The Duke of Cornwall's Light Infantry. They cut to pieces General Wayne's brigade in the American War, and the Americans vowed to give them no quarter. So they mounted red feathers…

Brewer's: Red Flag

(A). (i) In the Roman empire it signified war and a call to arms. (ii) Hoisted by British seamen, it indicates that no concession will be made. As a railway signal, it intimates danger,…

Brewer's: Red-handed

In the very act; with red blood still on his hand. “I had some trouble to save him from the fury of those who had caught him red-handed.” —The Times (a correspondent). Source: Dictionary…

Brewer's: Red Hat

(The). The cardinalate. “David Beatoun was born of good family ... and was raised to a red hat by Pope Paul III.” —Prince: Parallel History, vol. ii. p. 81. Source: Dictionary of Phrase…

Brewer's: Red Heads

(See Schiites.) Source: Dictionary of Phrase and Fable, E. Cobham Brewer, 1894Red HerringRed Hat A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z Related…

Brewer's: Red Herring

Drawing a red herring across the path. Trying to divert attention from the main question by some side-issue. A red herring drawn across a fox's path destroys the scent and sets the dogs at…

Brewer's: Red Indians

(of Newfoundland). So called because they daub their skin, garments, canoes, weapons, and almost everything with red ochre. “Whether it is merely a custom, or whether they daub their skin…