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Brewer's: Red Land

(The). The jurisdiction over which the Vehmgericht of Westphalia extended. Source: Dictionary of Phrase and Fable, E. Cobham Brewer, 1894Red-lattice PhrasesRed-laced Jacket A B C D E…

Brewer's: Red Laws

(The). The civil code of ancient Rome. Juvenal says, “Per lege rubras majoram leges” (Satires, xiv. 193). The civil laws, being written in vermillion, were called rubrica, and rubrica…

Brewer's: Red Man

The French say that a red man commands the elements, and wrecks off the coast of Brittany those whom he dooms to death. The legend affirms that he appeared to Napoleon and foretold his…

Brewer's: Red Men

W. Hepworth Dixon tells us that the Mormons regard the Red Indians as a branch of the Hebrew race, who lost their priesthood, and with it their colour, intelligence, and physiognomy,…

Brewer's: Red Rag

(The). The tongue. In French, Le chiffon rouge; and balancer le chiffon rouge means to prate. Discovering in his mouth a tongue, He must not his palaver balk; So keeps it running all day…

Brewer's: Red Republicans

Those extreme republicans of France who scruple not to dye their hands in blood in order to accomplish their political object. They used to wear a red cap. (See Carmagnole.) Source:…

Brewer's: Red Rose

(The). One of several badges of the House of Lancaster, but not necessarily the most prominent. It was used by Edmund, Earl of Lancaster (1245-96), called Crouchback, second son of Henry…

Brewer's: Red Rot

(The). The Sun-dew (q.v.); so called because it occasions the rot in sheep. Source: Dictionary of Phrase and Fable, E. Cobham Brewer, 1894Red SeaRed Rose Knight A B C D E F G H I…

Brewer's: Red Sea

The sea of the Red Man —i.e. Edom. Also called the “sedgy sea,” because of the sea-weed which collects there. Source: Dictionary of Phrase and Fable, E. Cobham Brewer, 1894Red-shanksRed…

Brewer's: Red-shanks

A Highlander; so called from a buskin formerly worn by them; it was made of undressed deer's hide, with the red hair outside. Source: Dictionary of Phrase and Fable, E. Cobham Brewer,…