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Bengal, Bay of

(Encyclopedia) Bengal, Bay of, arm of the Indian Ocean, c.1,300 mi (2,090 km) long and 1,000 mi (1,610 km) wide, bordered on the W by Sri Lanka and India, on the N by Bangladesh, and on the E by…

Dufy, Raoul

(Encyclopedia) Dufy, RaoulDufy, Raoulrä&oomacr;lˈ düfēˈ [key], 1877–1953, French painter, illustrator, and decorator, studied at the École des Beaux-Arts. After meeting Matisse he abandoned his…

hand sanitizer

(Encyclopedia) hand sanitizer or hand rub, substance used to clean and sanitize the hands, especially when soap is not available. Hand sanitizers, introduced commercially in the late 1980s, are…


(Encyclopedia) Banjul Banjul bänˈj&oobreve;l [key], formerly Bathurst Bathurst…

São Tomé

(Encyclopedia) São ToméSão TomésouN t&oobreve;mĕˈ [key], town (1991 pop. 42,331), capital of the republic of São Tomé and Principe and a port on São Tomé island, in the Gulf of Guinea. It is the…


(Encyclopedia) BissauBissaubĭsouˈ [key], town (1991 est. pop. 197,610), capital of Guinea-Bissau, a port in the Geba estuary, off the Atlantic Ocean. It is the country's largest city, major port, and…


(Encyclopedia) Lent [Old Eng. lencten,=spring], Latin Quadragesima (meaning 40; thus the 40 days of Lent). In Christianity, Lent is a time of penance, prayer, preparation for or recollection of…

Colwyn Bay

(Encyclopedia) Colwyn Bay Colwyn Bay kôlˈwĭn [key], Welsh Bae Colwyn, town, Conwy, N Wales. It is a…

Cleanest U.S. Cities, 2014

Each year the American Lung Association issues their "State of the Air" report. They track ozone pollution, short-term particle, and year-round particle pollution listed here. Here are the top 25 U.S…

Algoa Bay

(Encyclopedia) Algoa BayAlgoa Bayălgōˈə [key], arm of the Indian Ocean, indenting Eastern Cape, South Africa. The Portuguese arrived in the late 15th cent., and it was used as an anchorage. Port…