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Cleanest U.S. Cities, 2013

Each year the American Lung Association issues their "State of the Air" report. They track ozone pollution, short-term particle, and year-round particle pollution listed here. Here are the top 25 U…


(Encyclopedia) AssinieAssinieäsēnēˈ [key], town, SE Côte d'Ivoire, on a lagoon off the Gulf of Guinea. Because of its location on the coast and its contacts with the interior, Assinie became an early…

Natal, city, Brazil

(Encyclopedia) NatalNatalnətälˈ [key], city (1991 pop. 606,887), capital of Rio Grande do Norte state, NE Brazil, just above the mouth of the Potengi River. A modern city that has retained its…


(Encyclopedia) Ijebu-OdeIjebu-Odeējāb&oomacr;ˈ-ōdāˈ [key], town (1991 est. pop. 138,000), SW Nigeria. It is a commercial town and a collection point for cacao, kola nuts, and palm products.…


(Encyclopedia) IleshaIleshaēlāˈshä [key], city (1991 est. pop. 334,000), SW Nigeria. Formerly a caravan trade center, Ilesha is today an agricultural and commercial city. Cacao, kola nuts, palm oil,…

dragon's blood

(Encyclopedia) dragon's blood, name for a red resin obtained from a number of different plants. It was held by early Greeks, Romans, and Arabs to have medicinal properties; Dioscorides and other…

double bass

(Encyclopedia) double bass, bowed stringed musical instrument, the contrabass of the modern orchestral string section. It originated as a double-bass viol, an instrument described as early as 1566. A…


(Encyclopedia) Abomey Abomey ăbōmāˈ, əbōˈmē [key], town, S Benin. It is the trade center for an agricultural region where grain, peanuts, and palm products are processed.…

Rogers, Adrian Pierce

(Encyclopedia) Rogers, Adrian Pierce, 1931–2005, American Southern Baptist clergyman, b. West Palm Beach, Fla. After deciding to enter the ministry while in college, he attended the New Orleans…

Port Harcourt

(Encyclopedia) Port HarcourtPort Harcourthärˈkərt, –kôrt [key], city (1991 est. pop. 362,000), SE Nigeria, a deepwater port on the Bonny River in the Niger delta. It is an industrial and commercial…