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Algoa Bay

(Encyclopedia) Algoa BayAlgoa Bayălgōˈə [key], arm of the Indian Ocean, indenting Eastern Cape, South Africa. The Portuguese arrived in the late 15th cent., and it was used as an anchorage. Port…

Kaneohe Bay

(Encyclopedia) Kaneohe Bay, Hawaii, on the east coast of Oahu, protected by coral reefs and dotted with islands. The shores of the bay are rimmed with ancient fishponds built by the Hawaiian chiefs.…

Door Peninsula

(Encyclopedia) Door Peninsula, 80 mi (129 km) long, NE Wis., between Green Bay and Lake Michigan; a canal at Sturgeon Bay bisects the peninsula. Cherry growing and tourism are the chief industries.…

Casco Bay

(Encyclopedia) Casco BayCasco Baykăsˈkō [key], deep inlet of the Atlantic Ocean, 200 sq mi (518 sq km), SW Maine. The bay, with its more than 200 wooded, hilly islands, has many summer estates and…

Bantry Bay

(Encyclopedia) Bantry Bay, inlet of the Atlantic Ocean, 21 mi (34 km) long and 4 mi (6.4 km) wide, Co. Cork, SW Republic of Ireland. It is one of Europe's best natural anchorages. At the head of the…

Nelson, river, Canada

(Encyclopedia) Nelson, river, c.400 mi (640 km) long, issuing from the northeast end of Lake Winnipeg, central Man., Canada, and flowing NE to Hudson Bay at Port Nelson. With the Bow–South…

Outer Barrier

(Encyclopedia) Outer Barrier, series of sandy barrier islands or offshore bars, extending c.75 mi (120 km) along the south shore of Long Island, SE N.Y., from Rockaway Beach at the west to the east…

Nipissing, Lake

(Encyclopedia) Nipissing, LakeNipissing, Lakenĭpˈĭsĭng [key], c.350 sq mi (910 sq km), S Ont., Canada, between the Ottawa River and Georgian Bay. It extends west from the city of North Bay and is…

Manila Bay

(Encyclopedia) Manila Bay, nearly landlocked inlet of the South China Sea, SW Luzon, the Philippines. About 35 mi (56 km) wide at its broadest point and 30 mi (48 km) long, it is the best natural…

U.S. Cities with Cleanest Air, 2011

Each year the American Lung Association issues their "State of the Air" report. They track ozone pollution, short-term particle, and year-round particle…