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Georgian Bay

(Encyclopedia) Georgian Bay, large northeastern extension of Lake Huron, S Ont., Canada, separated from Lake Huron by Manitoulin Island and by the Bruce Peninsula; Lucas Channel is its chief…

Simcoe, Lake

(Encyclopedia) Simcoe, Lake, 539 sq mi (1,396 sq km), S Ont., Canada, between Georgian Bay and Lake Ontario. Cook Bay, Kempenfelt Bay, and Lake Couchiching are arms of the lake. Lake Simcoe drains N…

James Bay

(Encyclopedia) James Bay, shallow southern arm of Hudson Bay, c.300 mi (480 km) long and 140 mi (230 km) wide, E central Canada, in Nunavut Territory between Ont. and Que. Numerous rivers flow into…

Maputo Bay

(Encyclopedia) Maputo Bay, formerly Delagoa BayDelagoa Baydĕlˌəgōˈə [key], inlet of the Indian Ocean, c.55 mi (90 km) long and 20 mi (30 km) wide, S Mozambique, SE Africa; Maputo, the capital and…

San Francisco Landmarks

by Liz Olson photos by Carol M. Highsmith A city rich in culture and diversity, San Francisco sits on a hilltop overlooking the Pacific Ocean. Millions have entered San…


(Encyclopedia) QuelimaneQuelimanekĕlĭmäˈnē [key], town (1989 est. pop. 78,500), capital of Zambézia province, E central Mozambique, a seaport on the Rio dos Bons Sinais near its mouth in the Indian…


(Encyclopedia) Pointe-NoirePointe-NoirepwăNt-nwär [key], city (1984 pop. 294,203), SW Republic of the Congo, Africa, a port on the Atlantic Ocean. Offshore oil drilling and oil refining are the city'…


(Encyclopedia) MzabMzabəmzäbˈ [key], stony, barren valley, Algeria, in the N Sahara. It was settled c.1000 by members of an austere Muslim sect, the Kharijites. The inhabitants, called Mozabites, dug…

Bruce Reynolds ALGER, Congress, TX (1918)

ALGER Bruce Reynolds , a Representative from Texas; born in Dallas, Tex., June 12, 1918; moved to Webster Groves, Mo., with his parents in 1924, and attended the public schools; graduated from…

Jamaica Bay

(Encyclopedia) Jamaica Bay, c.20 sq mi (50 sq km), SW Long Island, SE N.Y., separated from the Atlantic Ocean by Rockaway Peninsula; the Rockaway Inlet links it to the sea. The shallow bay has many…