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New York Bay

(Encyclopedia) New York Bay, arm of the Atlantic Ocean at the mouth of the Hudson River, SE N.Y. and NE N.J., enclosed by the shores of NE New Jersey, E Staten Island, S Manhattan, and W Long Island…

Rio de Janeiro, city, Brazil

(Encyclopedia) Rio de JaneiroRio de Janeirorēˈō də zhänāˈrō, Port. rēˈ&oobreve; ᵺĭ zhənĕēˈr&oobreve; [key] [Port.,=river of January], city (1990 pop. 5,533,011; 1995 metropolitan area est.…

Houghton, Richard Monckton Milnes, 1st Baron

(Encyclopedia) Houghton, Richard Monckton Milnes, 1st BaronHoughton, Richard Monckton Milnes, 1st Baronhouˈtən, hôˈ– [key], 1809–85, English author. Throughout much of his life he was an active…


(Encyclopedia) JajaJajajäˈjə [key], fl. 1869–87, Nigerian merchant prince. A former slave, he became an important trader in Bonny in the 1860s as a middleman between the coastal markets and the…


(Encyclopedia) AbeokutaAbeokutaäˌbēōk&oomacr;ˈtə, ăbˌ– [key], city (1991 est. pop. 377,000), SW Nigeria. It is the trade center for an agricultural region producing rice, yams, cassava, cotton,…

Catherine, Saint

(Encyclopedia) Catherine, SaintCatherine, Saintkăthˈrən, kăthˈərĭn [key], 4th cent.?, Alexandrian virgin martyr. Nothing certain is known of her life, and in 1969 her name was dropped from the…


(Encyclopedia) swift, common name for small, swallowlike birds related to the hummingbird and found all over the world, chiefly in the tropics. They range in size from 6 to 12 in. (15–30 cm) in…

U.S. Zoos and Aquariums

Source: The facilities listed are members of, and accredited by, the American Zoo and Aquarium Association (AZA) to ensure that they are maintaining professional standards. The AZA also accredits…

Todos os Santos Bay

(Encyclopedia) Todos os Santos BayTodos os Santos Baytôˈᵺ&oobreve;z&oobreve; sänˈt&oobreve;s [key] [Port.,=all-saints bay], inlet of the Atlantic Ocean, 25 mi (40 km) long and 20 mi (32…

David Bay Chalmers, 2005 News

oil executive, was indicted in April on charges that he and his Houston-based company , Bayoil U.S.A., paid the Iraqi government millions in kickbacks in exchange for contracts to buy Iraqi…