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Stern, Fritz Richard

(Encyclopedia) Stern, Fritz Richard, 1926–2016, American historian and educator, b. Breslau, Germany (now Wrocław, Poland), grad. Columbia (B.A., 1946; M.A., 1948; Ph.D., 1953). Although his family…

Charlotte, grand duchess of Luxembourg

(Encyclopedia) Charlotte, 1896–1985, grand duchess of Luxembourg (1919–64). The second daughter of Duke William of Nassau-Weilburg and a Portuguese princess, Marie Anne of Braganza, she succeeded her…

The Book of Sirach

Sirach Ch. 1: A Prologue made by an uncertain Author… Ch. 2: My son, if thou come to serve the Lord, prepare… Ch. 3: Hear me your father, O children, and do… Ch. 4: My son, defraud not the poor…

Caxton, William

(Encyclopedia) Caxton, William, c.1421–91, English printer, the first to print books in English. He served apprenticeship as a mercer and from 1463 to 1469 was at Bruges as governor of the Merchants…

Hoccleve, Thomas

(Encyclopedia) Hoccleve or Occleve, ThomasHoccleve or Occleve, Thomashŏkˈlēv, ŏkˈ– [key], c.1368–c.1450, English poet, an imitator of Chaucer. He was a clerk in the office of the Privy Seal. His…

Bryant, Bear

(Encyclopedia) Bryant, Bear (Paul Bryant)Bryant, Bearbrīˈənt [key], 1913–83, American football coach, b. Moro Bottom, Ark. The son of sharecroppers, he became a Southern culture hero through his…

1990 Tony Awards

PlayThe Grapes of WrathMusicalCity of AngelsRevivalGypsyActor—PlayRobert Morse, TruActress—PlayMaggie Smith, Lettice and LovageFeatured Actor—PlayCharles Durning, Cat on a Hot Tin…

The Devil's Dictionary: Misdemeanor

by Ambrose Bierce MISCREANTMISERICORDEMISDEMEANOR -n. An infraction of the law having less dignity than a felony and constituting no claim to admittance into the best criminal society…

Harpestreng, Henrik

(Encyclopedia) Harpestreng, Henrik, or Henricus Dacus, d. 1244, Danish herbalist and medical writer. He probably studied at the medical school in Salerno, and was a canon at Roskilde Cathedral, then…