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(Encyclopedia) tapestry, hand-woven fabric of plain weave made without shuttle or drawboy, the design of weft threads being threaded into the warp with fingers or a bobbin. The name has been extended…

Carew, Thomas

(Encyclopedia) Carew, Thomas, 1595?–1639?, English author, one of the Cavalier poets. Educated at Merton College, Oxford, he had a short diplomatic career on the Continent, then returned to England…

Bridges, Robert Seymour

(Encyclopedia) Bridges, Robert Seymour, 1844–1930, English poet. In 1882 he abandoned medical practice to devote himself to writing. An excellent metrist, he wrote many beautiful lyrics and longer…

The Journals of Lewis & Clark: June 13, 1805

by Meriwether Lewis and William Clark June 12, 1805June 14, 1805June 13, 1805 Thursday June 13th 1805. This morning we set out about sunrise after taking breakfast off our venison…

Grand River, rivers, United States

(Encyclopedia) Grand River. 1 River, 260 mi (418 km) long, rising in S Mich. and flowing N to Lansing, then NW to Lake Michigan at Grand Haven. It is the longest river in the state and is navigable…


(Encyclopedia) SpeyerSpeyershpīˈər [key], city (1994 pop. 49,310), Rhineland-Palatinate, SW Germany, on the Rhine River. The city, sometimes called Spires in English, is a river port and industrial…

Chaucer, Geoffrey

(Encyclopedia) Chaucer, GeoffreyChaucer, Geoffreyjĕfˈrē chôˈsər [key], c.1340–1400, English poet, one of the most important figures in English literature. To Chaucer's final period, in which he…