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(Encyclopedia) paper, thin, flat sheet or tissue made usually from plant fiber but also from rags and other fibrous materials. It is used principally for printing and writing on but has many other…

Geology of the Grand Canyon: The Trias.

THE JURASSIC.THE VERMILION CLIFFS.THE TRIAS.Kanab village is situated under the eaves of the Vermillion Cliffs, in the jaws of the cañon of Kanab Creek. It has for several years been the…

Moss, Sir Stirling Craufurd

(Encyclopedia) Moss, Sir Stirling Craufurd, 1929–2020, British auto racing driver. Known for his sportsmanship, speed, and courage, Moss became a full-time driver on the Grand Prix circuit in 1953.…

Brewer's: Grand

(French). Le Grand Corneille. Corneille, the French dramatist (1606-1684). Le Grand Dauphin. Louis, son of Louis XIV. (1661-1711). La Grande Mademoiselle. The Duchesse de Montpensier,…

Brewer's: Au Grand Sérieux

(French) In sober earnest. “We are not asked to take these narratives au grand sérieux. They are rather sketches of the past, illustrating what could have been done, and may be done again…

Brewer's: Book of Books

(The). The Bible. Source: Dictionary of Phrase and Fable, E. Cobham Brewer, 1894Book of LifeBook A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z Related…

John Milton - Paradise Lost: Book II

Book II High on a Throne of Royal State, which far Outshon the wealth of ORMUS and of IND, Or where the gorgeous East with richest hand Showrs on her Kings BARBARIC Pearl & Gold, Satan…

Imitation of Christ, The

(Encyclopedia) Imitation of Christ, The, Christian devotional book, of great popularity. It originated among the Brothers of the Common Life in the Netherlands and was written probably c.1425.…