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Domesday Book

(Encyclopedia) Domesday BookDomesday Bookd&oomacr;mzˈdā [key], record of a general census of England made (1085–86) by order of William I (William the Conqueror). The survey ascertained the…

Caldecott, Randolph

(Encyclopedia) Caldecott, RandolphCaldecott, Randolphkôlˈdəkət [key], 1846–86, one of the most popular late 19th-century English book illustrators. Born in Chester, he moved (1872) to London, where…

Low, Frank James

(Encyclopedia) Low, Frank James, 1933–2009, American astronomer and physicist, b. Mobile, Ala., grad. Yale (B.S. 1955), Rice Univ. (M.A. 1957, Ph.D 1959). Low, who worked at Texas Instruments and the…

Edwin A. Robinson

Robinson, Edwin Arlington[1869-1935](3)Born at Head Tide, Maine, Dec. 22, 1869. Educated at Harvard University. Mr. Robinson is a psychological poet of great subtlety; his poems are usually…

Field, Michael

(Encyclopedia) Field, Michael, pseud. used by two English authors, Katherine Harris Bradley, 1846–1914, and her niece Edith Emma Cooper, 1862–1913, who collaborated on numerous literary works,…

Goliardic songs

(Encyclopedia) Goliardic songsGoliardic songsgōlēärˈdĭk [key], Late Latin poetry of the “wandering scholars,” or Goliards. The Goliards included university students who went from one European…

Nicodemus, Gospel of

(Encyclopedia) Nicodemus, Gospel of, book composed of the Acts of Pilate and Christ's Descent into Hell, part of the loosely defined New Testament Apocrypha. The Acts of Pilate is an amplified…

Li Ch'ing-chao

(Encyclopedia) Li Ch'ing-chaoLi Ch'ing-chaolēˈ chĭngˌ-chouˈ [key], 1084?–c.1151, Chinese poet. Li's 78 extant song lyrics [tz'u] have earned her a reputation as a master of lyrical poetry. She…

National Museum of Anthropology

(Encyclopedia) National Museum of Anthropology, Mexico City. The present building, designed by Pedro Ramírez Vázquez and inspired by ancient Mexican architecture, was opened in 1964 and houses choice…

Hildebrand, Lay of

(Encyclopedia) Hildebrand, Lay of, fragment of an epic in mixed Low and Old High German composed c.800 in the monastery of Fulda. Hildebrand, armorer of Dietrich of Bern (Theodoric the Great),…