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Book of Changes

(Encyclopedia) Book of Changes or I ChingI Chingē jĭng, ē chĭng [key], ancient Chinese book of prophecy and wisdom. The oldest parts of its text are thought to have attained their present form in the…

Book of Concord

(Encyclopedia) Book of Concord, name under which the collected documents of the authoritative confessions of faith of the Lutheran Church were published in 1580, the 50th anniversary of the Augsburg…

book of hours

(Encyclopedia) book of hours, form of prayer book developed in the 14th cent. from the prayers of clerics appended to the main service. The subjects of the miniature illustrations (see miniature…

Joel, book of the Bible

(Encyclopedia) Joel, prophetic book of the Bible. It is a collection of the oracles of an otherwise unknown prophet, dated variously from the 9th to the 3d cent. b.c., though a date in c.400 b.c. is…

Book of Common Prayer

(Encyclopedia) Book of Common Prayer, title given to the service book used in the Church of England and in other churches of the Anglican Communion. The first complete English Book of Common Prayer…

Low Church

(Encyclopedia) Low Church: see England, Church of.

grand jury

(Encyclopedia) grand jury, in law, body of persons selected to inquire into crimes committed within a certain jurisdiction. It usually comprises a greater number than the trial, or petit (also, petty…


(Encyclopedia) indictmentindictmentĭndītˈmənt [key], in criminal law, formal written accusation naming specific persons and crimes. Persons suspected of crime may be rendered liable to trial by…