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(Encyclopedia) strawberry, any plant of the genus Fragaria of the family Rosaceae (rose family), low herbaceous perennials with edible red fruits, native to temperate and mountainous tropical regions…

The Divine Comedy: Purgatorio: Canto VIII

Purgatorio 41 - Purgatorio: Canto VII Purgatorio: Canto IX - 43 Purgatorio: Canto VIII 'Twas now the hour that turneth back desire In those who sail the sea, and melts the heart…

Grand Coulee Dam

(Encyclopedia) Grand Coulee Dam Grand Coulee Dam k&oomacr;ˈlē [key], 550 ft (168 m) high and 4,173 ft (1,272 m)…

Geology of the Grand Canyon: De Motte Park.

DE MOTTE PARK.Its length is about ten miles, its average width about two miles. It is a depressed area in the heart of the plateau and is on every side girt about by more elevated ground…

Borden, Sir Robert Laird

(Encyclopedia) Borden, Sir Robert Laird, 1854–1937, Canadian political leader, prime minister during World War I, b. Grand-Pré, N.S. Called to the bar in 1878, he won a reputation as a constitutional…

Mecklenburg–West Pomerania

(Encyclopedia) Mecklenburg–West PomeraniaMecklenburg–West Pomeraniamĕkˈlənb&oobreve;rkh pämərāˈnēə [key], state (1994 pop. 1,890,000), 9,201 sq mi (23,838 sq km), NE Germany, bordering on the…

Hunt, Leigh

(Encyclopedia) Hunt, Leigh (James Henry Leigh Hunt)Hunt, Leighlē [key], 1784–1859, English poet, critic, and journalist. He was a friend of the eminent literary men of his time, and his home was the…

Albert of Brandenburg

(Encyclopedia) Albert of Brandenburg, 1490–1568, grand master of the Teutonic Knights (1511–25), first duke of Prussia (1525–68); grandson of Elector Albert Achilles of Brandenburg. In 1525 he became…


(Encyclopedia) BrassaïBrassaïbräsīˈ [key], 1899–1984, French photographer, b. Brassó, Hungary (now Braşov, Romania), as Gyula Halász. Particularly known for his nightime photographs of Paris, he…

Zephaniah, book of the Bible

(Encyclopedia) ZephaniahZephaniahzĕfˌənīˈə [key], prophetic book of the Bible. The prophet, who lived in the reign (c.640–609 b.c.) of King Josiah of Judah, traces his genealogy to King Hezekiah.…