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Ain, in the Bible

(Encyclopedia) AinAināˈĭn [key], in the Bible. 1 Town, N ancient Palestine. 2 See En-rimmon.

Zion, in the Bible

(Encyclopedia) ZionZionzīˈən [key] or SionZionsīˈən [key], section of Jerusalem, defined in the Bible as the City of David. Originally the name referred to the Jebusite fortress conquered by David,…

Zoar, in the Bible

(Encyclopedia) ZoarZoarzōˈər [key], in the Bible; at first named BelaZoarbēˈlə [key], it was the only one of the Cities of the Plain (see Sodom) to escape destruction. Lot and his daughters took…

Zara, in the Bible

(Encyclopedia) Zara or ZarahZaraboth: zāˈrə [key], same as Zerah (1.)

Bethany, in the Bible

(Encyclopedia) BethanyBethanybĕthˈənē [key]. 1 Village, at the southeastern foot of the Mount of Olives, the modern El Aziriye, 2 mi (3.2 km) E of Jerusalem. In the Gospels, it is the home of Lazarus…

Bethel, in the Bible

(Encyclopedia) BethelBethelbĕthˈəl [key] [Heb.,=house of God]. 1 Ancient city of central Palestine, the modern Baytin, the West Bank, N of Jerusalem. According to the Bible, where it is frequently…

Bethesda, in the Bible

(Encyclopedia) BethesdaBethesdabĕthĕzˈdə, –thĕsˈ– [key], pool in Jerusalem, perhaps the one discovered under the Crusaders' Church of St. Anne near St. Stephen's Gate in the northeast corner of the…

Titus , in the Bible

(Encyclopedia) Titus, in the Bible, early Christian, a missionary and friend of St. Paul. According to later tradition he was a bishop in Crete.